
The Next Step

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The Next Step - HaTzad Haba, established by the Israel Medical Fund in 2015, is an Israeli non-profit organization that raises awareness to limb-loss and prosthetics, provides access to high-end prosthetics not provided by Ministry of Health, and offers technical and emotional support to amputees. Services are performed mainly by volunteers - some amputees themselves, who wish to pass on their knowledge and experience and provide support to others.

Limb loss is a medical condition that is caused by birth defects, medical complications or trauma. Approximately 1,600 people undergo amputation in Israel annually. Limb loss refers to any level of amputation, whether partial finger or full upper and/or lower extremity. While limb loss is mostly an orthopedic issue, it often results in full disability and affects normal family and social status.
When proper prosthetics are provided, and high-end technology and materials are used, amputees can proceed to live a normal life.

In the US and Europe, the most advanced technology is available. From bionic-robotic hands to microprocessor knees to active fitness prostheses, amputees enjoy the best available prosthetic solutions to supplement the missing limb and achieve maximum functionality. Amputees also enjoy an array of government benefits and activities, such as ongoing physical therapy programs, rehabilitation, walking/running clinics, and amputee camps (intensive amputee PT programs) made available by NGOs.

Israel has a socialized healthcare system which does not provide the same level of care that is available in other countries, causing Israel to be ranked #27 out of 34 OECD countries in annual expenditure on prosthetic devices per patient. Ironically, some of the most innovative technology in handicap assistive equipment is invented by Israeli scientists. However, these products are not always marketed in Israel due to high costs which are not authorized by the Ministry of Health.


The Next Step educates amputees on available technology and promotes physical achievement and functionality through a comprehensive and informative network of online, print, and conference media, alongside emotional support counseling.

The Next Step has established walking and running clinic groups across the country.

The Next Step advocates on behalf of all amputees in Israel for change in regulations, approval process and general funding, through lobbying, legislative and public awareness campaigns.

The Next Step brings amputees with complex amputations to the United States for the most advanced fittings.

The Next Step plans to build a rehabilitation and physical therapy center catering specifically to the amputee community


Website and limb-loss resource guide
Bi-monthly publication
Amputee conferences & expos

Walking/running clinics
Amputee custom fitness plans

State of the art prosthetics
Travel and lodging in the U.S.
Follow up care in Israel

Hospital visits pre/post-amputation
Limb-loss care packages
Support groups
Respite for amputees and family


Floor models collection in U.S. & Europe
Distribution and fabrication in Israel

Home fitting assistance
Parent/child support groups

Homebound tutoring
Education for classmates and staff

Winter adaptive ski trip
Summer adventure camp

Lobby and legislation
Expediting of approvals and care

Public appearances
Advertising and public relations